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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Whole Lotta.....{just read it}

Yeah- it's over!!!!! Boooooo! No more Valentines!
I "took" away the exchange four separate times today- I was this close {I am holding my fingers an inch apart} from following through with it-
but then it hit, not the eraser that "A" threw...that did miss me,
What DID hit me was the fact that I am NOT the mean teacher and it is not their fault that this is an over blown holiday.
It is also NOT their fault that all three of the Littles rec'd a valentine from MR and I did not.
They are also not to blame that I cannot remember if I have taken my meds for the last two days.....hmmm....this may have something to do with all of this......

Let's change the subject-

{Disclaimer- The following pictures have been accumulating over the last two weeks. If you choose to continue looking, the owner of this blog accepts no responsibility for the time you will have wasted - unless you are inspired- and in that case, she takes FULL CREDIT!!!} hee hee

First let's check out a reason to not hate {Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like} Valentines-
Reason number 1
A Squirrel Mouse PAd! I LOVE HIM! (would that make him a new species? "squirrel- mouse")

Reason Number 2
AND Squirrel note cards- for when you need to acknowledge that NuttY friend!
And Reason Number 3- well there is the chocolate- too much to photograph....and I ate lost half of it...har har

I also have a few other reasons to  be happy.....more than a few I guess.... I have been working feverishly on de-cluttering- THANK YOU JODI!!!-
I have made so many changes {for "me-self"} and reinventing my workspace was at the tops of my here  are few updates.....I really have to post these pictures...I have been wanting to for 2 weeks- but I wasn't sure how to add it in- so sit down, put up your feet and let me punch your ticket for a ride on my crazy train- *PunCh*

 I got the original idea from Create- Share-Teach. So simple to do. The tool box is 22 drawers and it cost 16 at Home Depot; 19 at Lowes. I have gotten rid of all cups, pencil holders, baskets, etc....if it does not have label on the drawers- then it does not have a home on my desk! I can email or post the template I used for the labels....just cut scrapbook paper to fit my printer and VIOLA! The font is Elise from K&A.

Are kidding me?!?!?! This is what my desk can look like? I hot glued this fabric on last year bc it looks like someone took a woodburning coarse on it...There is the rack for my laptop, ONE folder, my sweeties pic, and that little notebook next to the folder, it will show up later in the post. (I love me some binders, too). And holy macaroni- I just noticed the WMD shoes are right there in the corner!!! It was a "workout" day after school that day.....good thing no one was left in the room...whew!
I bought this monstrosity last year from Staples, thinking it would help. It is called the Desk Apprentice...more like the "dish-barrel-box- that -they-know-you-can't-see-over-so-that-is-the-blindspot-where-they-misbehave-box". My remotes for my technology, nurse notes, and a few files (graded, recorded, etc).
Remember those cutsie stickers I got at Christmas? Scanned them to make a Cover sheet for Lesson Plans....just cute...The large squirrel with the acorn getting ready to crush her skull.....that's me:)
Ah, the note book- I have banned Post-its (unless I am using them for a lesson, anchor chart, or a writing assignment with them). This is a $4 index card sized notebook that i bought at Wally World. I write the note I need for myself and when am done with it, I draw  a line through it.
Now I always know where I wrote 'that thing" and all I have to do is take this one little notebook with me at night to make sure I accomplish what  I wanted to do.
And last picture...My new center chart. I hot glued adhered the cards that I made (Just So Scrappy Scrap Kit) and ribbon to my closet door. Painted the clips white. The ribbon is not glued- just the cards- so I can (hopefully) easily move the clips.
I'll get a close up on the cutie ribbon.

Remember, I am considering that move to red. black, and white like dandelions and dragonflies (G.O.R.geous- Room, she has)......that sounded a little like Yoda, it did.....

OK, now yawn and have more stalking to do!

Let me know if would like that template for the toolbox....I just used double sided tape to put it in the drawers and you can only see the AWEsomeness:)


  1. Looks wonderful! I love to see how everyone is organizing their rooms!

    The First Grade Dream

  2. I would love the labels! The box looks awesome!!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  3. Love this, would love a copy of your labels.

  4. Love your tool box. Love. I'm infatuated with it. I have no idea if I spelled that right but I am INFATUATED with it. Error or no.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Love it all! Thanks for sharing. I'm so touched to have given you some inspiration!!

    ❤Jodi from...
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  6. I LOVE your toolbox! Everything you need is right at your fingertips.

    I would love it if you posted the template!

    First Grade Magic

  7. Hi Staci:
    I love everything on this whole post. (I read it twice, so you can get extra credit for inspiring a reader to re-read what they have read!)
    Ohhh. The drawers. The labels. The pretty paper. Pitter Pat Patter. That is my heart skipping a beat with delight. LOVE!
    The shoes made me chuckle. Every time I post a picture, I find myself thinking: Why didn't I notice THAT before I snapped the picture?
    I love your little notebook--and I love even more that it is next to your Starbucks cup! (My Starbucks cups could be in every picture in my room!)
    Jodi has inspired me too. But I'm un-crafty, so I just line stuff up.
    I don't know how I missed following your blog before this, but that's my button in the follower box. I can't wait to visit again...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  8. That tool box has been sitting in the middle of my floor since Christmas break! I think you've inspired me to get busy! Would love the template-Elise is one of my favorites!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Awesome! You have been busy :) I've definitely fallen off the bandwagon on decluttering. I may need help getting back on, lol.

    I would love the template you used...thanks!

    Living A Wonderful Life

  11. Love your ideas! I love using your center groups for both reading and math centers- I have 2 different student pairings for these, but your way looks so much easier!! (and less space consuming!!!!)

    I love the tool box idea too!!

    Let's Teach Something

  12. I reread your post, too!! You crack me up! I would love the templates as well if you are sharing. Thanks so much!

  13. Cute + organized = perfect! Love the centers with the ribbon. Red, black and white sounds fabulous.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  14. I love your ideas. I want to be this organized. Please send the labels!

  15. I would love your template for the tool box. I love the stripes and polka dots.

  16. I absolutely love your toolbox with labels! I would love if you could send me a copy please! You can such great organizing ideas!

  17. I have seen this post many times on pinterest. Since it is my summer now, it is time to get my room organized. I would love this template. You are awesome.

  18. Hi I am so grateful for your ideas! Thank you for sharing. I would love the templates for your tool box.


  19. I would like the template you used for the toolbox!
    I LOVE reading your are hilarious :)

  20. I would love a copy of the template too. I bought one a couple of days ago so I can get it done this summer. Thanks!

  21. I would love a copy of the template too. I have another idea for your toolbox- I made an ABC box for my Writing center. It has the letters on the outside (peel and stick scrapbook letters) and on the inside I have pictures and words of the pictures so my Pre-K students can see and write the words ex-picture of a ball and the word ball. The students can then refile the words in the correct drawer-makes for great beginning letter recognition.
    Thanks for sharing and I love your posts.

  22. I love your blog and would also love a copy of the tool box template! I will be sharing a room this year so I have no choice but to stay organized! Thanks!


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